Thursday, March 27, 2008

From the king himself... t-shirts, buttons etc, cafe press

You wanted hot demand, we are bringing you a full line of Paulism quotes... Some of us weren't meant to be a prince some of us were meant to be the King!!! Get your limited edition paulism memorabililia now at where you'll find top of the line paulism products. You might even find a gift for the old lady.
Yes - t shirts, buttons, posters, cards, what ever trips your trigger, we have. Let your little lady know who's King.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The trouble with women

In our outreach to appease those less capable of holding a job in the workforce we have ultimately placed the less qualified in top positions. We now are faced with a poor economy that faces the doors of recession and opening the path to a depression. Government enforced to even out the workforce has disrupted the balance of superior positions being filled with qualified applicants. Who is responsible for the turmoil that is upon us.... of course the feminist play a huge part as do the bleeding hearts. Those educated limit their families to maybe one or no children while the poverty stricken and not to mention minority classes are having larger and larger families. This is placing a heavy burden on an already over taxed government.

There is a time and place for everything..

If companies were to hire who was the best for the job, we would overwhelming have men in all positions. Of course there is a time and place for women in the work force. You have to admit someone does have to make the coffee... What is corrupting the world as we know it, I think we have gone a little to far in making everyone feel comfortable. Woman was created to fill the needs of man, it is plain and clear.

Role Playing

A little truth in Humor