Saturday, September 25, 2010

Women, sex and death row

I read this bumper sticker today " A feather is sexy, the whole chicken is Kinky" It seems today women no nothing about being sexy. If I didn't know better I'd think they were all butch. Why is it a woman can't look, dress and behave like a woman? Again we have to thank the liberal do gooders or destroying the happy housewife. Women! They are still trying to wear the pants in the family. Talk about "having your cake and eating it to. " Next thing you know we will be living in the world of Amazon women and man will have lost his credentials in making a difference in this world. It will be a cold day in hell, when I walk behind a woman. I have been reconsidering, if i can't have a woman look and act like a woman, I would rather do with out. I was down at the corner pub and hell can't tell the men from the women with all the burping and farting. Some thing has gotta give.

I have been so busy fight for the rights of the average... guy that I have not been here to write to my loyal readers. I wanna thank you all for your support. We can make a difference say no to the cow and make your voice heard.

Only in America a woman pays to have her husband and his son killed, gets death row in Virginia and as they pull the switch the do good liberals say.."she was such a beautiful spirit what and injustice" now lets switch that scenario and say that the man kills his wife and her daughter, how man of those do gooders would be preaching and praying to save him on death row? I say trip that switch and watch her squirm.

Role Playing

A little truth in Humor